Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm drinking coffee and not running.

Well here we are, Day 4 of being snowed in and without a run! I guess Atlanta is kind of old fashioned in that we wait for the sun to melt the snow and ice on the roads. The roads have not been drivable and the trails are certainly not runnable for a rookie like myself. I would hate to risk injury. My Northern running friends (especially Rudi and Kelsey, perhaps cousin Brad) must think I'm a complete and total slacker and I do feel guilt for not braving the conditions to get in a quick jaunt (never thought I'd say something like that). I never thought I would crave the endorphin releasing runner's high. Which brings me to my brother...
He is a 200 lbs, cigarette smoking, beer drinking, video game get the idea. He told me yesterday that he is interested in running! If he could get a runner's high, I'm sure he'd be addicted in no time! I'm thrilled to hear about his interest and I'm hoping to get him hooked.


  1. Slacker? No. But, yeah, you're being a wimp. ;)

  2. Yay! Good luck. I'll be cheering from the area known as "not the race course". :)

  3. C, i'm finding running in the snow to be... not miserable! It's actually kind of nice once my hands and face are warm enough, and there's hardly anyone else out. You can do it!
